Free SEO Tips Tutorial – Google Boost Your Web Site In Few Second

Free SEO Tips Tutorial – Google Boost Your Web Site In Few Second

As a beginner to search engine optimization (SEO) you need to understand that there is no magic way to rank your website in the first page of Google, Bing or Yahoo. Search engines are governed by complex algorithms and it takes a lot of time and effort to ‘convince’ them that your website or web page deserves one of the top spots.

Nevertheless, there are certain rules you can follow to optimize your website and provide the search engine bots with the necessary signals.

While the web is floated with Free SEO tips and advice, most of the articles talk about SEO in a theoretical level and not how SEO can be applied in practice.

Find and Use Relevant Keywords

Users frequently type the same phrases into Google when they’re looking for something. Things like “how to make risotto” and “is my dog acting normal?” If all is well in the Googleverse, typing in these search prompts will result in pertinent responses to their queries, like a recipe for risotto or a pet therapist’s site.

Humans, as a species, are not all that different from one another. We tend to type the same kinds of search prompts again and again.

You can identify popular search terms and phrasing using Google Keyword Planner. What Google Keyword Planner does is take people’s search prompts and assign value to each of them.

Simply log in with your Google account and select “Search for new keywords using a phrase, website, or category.” Type something in — say, “risotto recipes” — and a variety of related phrases that Google users tend to search for will pop up. These phrases are called “keywords,” and they are the heart of your blog.

You can use this tool to determine which keywords make high-traffic blog topics. If your blog is about interior decorating, you might find through the keyword planner that “mid-century modern furniture” is currently a hot search term. By incorporating this phrase into your blog — either as a topic or in an existing post about modern furniture — you’re more likely to attract searchers who are Googling this very topic.

Use H1 Title Tags Sparingly

In HTML, H1 stands for Heading One, the largest and most prominent heading on a page. The H1 is one of the first things search engines see after the title of your page. That makes it an incredibly powerful page element.

According to SEO software company Moz’s bi-yearly survey on search engine ranking factors, the titles on your page are one of the nine most important considerations a search engine makes.

It’s easy to add multiple H1 headings to a page, by simply surrounding text with <h1></h1> tags. But doing so can confuse search engines, who will prioritize an H1 heading if there is only one, but treat them as less relevant content if they’re used a lot.

Use an H1 for the biggest heading on your page, and H2 or H3 headings for subheads or section heads.

As for what should be in that H1 title? Something relevant to searchers. You know, like a keyword.

Get Yourself Some Non-Spammy Backlinks

Backlinks get a bad rap because overzealous marketers have abused them over the years. But they’re not a dirty word — literally, a backlink is an incoming hyperlink from one web page to another website.

The reason they’re sometimes misunderstood is because there’s a whole Internet underbelly of so-called SEO companies that you can pay to link to your site on their networks of low-quality articles. Don’t do it! This is a move that’s sure to get you on Google’s bad side.

How do you get the good kind of backlinks, though?

Stick to organic linking, not the paid kind. If you provide a service, encourage customers to write reviews on other sites. If you’re a blogger, ask another blogger if you can write a guest post for them and link back to your site in the post or work with micro-influencers. If you use WordPress comments, makes sure your comment username links to your blog.

Overall, backlinks are the number one way Google decides which sites are authorities and ranks them accordingly. After all, if other sites are linking to yours, Google should be, too! If you write good content and participate in online communities, you can develop a healthy ecosystem of backlinks over time.

Create a Sitemap and Submit it to google webmaster tool

A sitemap is a very basic list of pages accessible to search engine “crawlers” — programs that search the web for relevant search results — and users. Sitemaps are usually written in XML, a metalanguage that crawlers can understand and transmit to search engines.

You don’t need to know any XML to write your own sitemap. You can copy Google’s example or use a variety of free, third-party tools to generate one. Or, if you’re running a WordPress site, simply install the Google XML Sitemaps plugin.
  1. What Is SEO
  2. SEO Friendly Domain Name
  3. Set Preferred Domain in Google Webmaster Tools
  4. WordPress SEO Plugin
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Free SEO Tips Tutorial – Google Boost Your Web Site In Few Second Free SEO Tips Tutorial – Google Boost Your Web Site In Few Second Reviewed by Hitesh Jariwala on 2:53 AM Rating: 5

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